About Steve Johnson

Candidate for Bonner County Commissioner, District 1 

Steve has deep roots in North Idaho

Steve Johnson, a candidate for Bonner County commissioner, grew up on a family farm in Sagle with his three brothers. His father was a sawmill worker, logger, and farmer, while his mother was a homemaker and teacher. He graduated from Sandpoint High School and earned a degree in education from the University of Idaho. During high school and college, he worked various jobs, including railroad laborer, farmhand, heating and cooling fabricator/installer, and carpenter’s helper.

He has also spent years working with his community, its schools, agencies, and multiple organizations to both keep the values and tenor of North Idaho life as well as work toward making sure the best of Bonner is enhanced and the issues that need attention get it.

Steve loves the great outdoors, engaging in activities such as building fences, cutting firewood, putting up hay, camping, cross-country skiing, and hiking. He appreciates the beauty and majesty of the local forests, mountains, and lakes.

Steve and Marguerite married on the banks of Cocolalla Creek and raised their four children on the family farm in Sagle. They were active in 4-H, youth sports, and community events. Both are semi-retired teachers with over 70 combined years of teaching, primarily in Bonner County.

Steve Johnson (left) with his brother, Richard, and their dog, Prince, about 1954.
Steve and Marguerite Johnson

Steve’s platform for Bonner County includes:

It takes cooperation, involvement, concern, interest and a sense of pride of loyalty to our community to make all the pieces fit the way we want them to.  With that in mind, these issues are front and center on my platform to keep Bonner County the amazing place that it is . . . for all of us.

  • Functional and transparent commissioners and commissioner meetings
  • Improved roads and bridges
  • Planned growth
  • Protection of private property rights
  • Affordable housing
  • Re-establishing North Idaho values of honesty and respect
  • Completion of the county’s comprehensive plan
  • Accurate and transparent accounting procedures
  • Collaboration with public and private groups
  • Competitive wages and benefits for county employees
  • Support for:
    • education
    • libraries
    • healthcare

Steve has enjoyed serving his community in numerous capacities, including:

  • Education Chair of the Chamber of Commerce
  • Trustee for the Public Library
  • Member of the school district long-range planning committee
  • Facilitator for the school district outdoor school Project Wild Program
  • Coach for the Sandpoint area youth sports program
  • Driver for the meals on wheels program
  • Construction supervisor for the Native Plant Society Building at the Sandpoint Arboretum

Inspired by his teacher/principal Jim Stoicheff at Southside Elementary in Cocolalla, Steve knew early on that he wanted to pursue a career in education. He has also enjoyed homebuilding, including constructing his own log home, and farming.

Steve in his "farm convertible" at the Sandpoint 4th of July Parade.
Steve and his prized ’55 Chev Old Goldie – one of just 50,000 painted gold that year.
Steve happily splitting firewood to fill the woodshed for winter.

I am running for Bonner County Commissioner because . . .

. . . this is my Home. I know Bonner County. I have the experience and skills to keep our community the Wonderful Place that it is.

Here are four good reasons why I am running for Commissioner.

  1. RESPECT and TRANSPARENCY . . .  I’m shocked and embarrassed by the lack of respect and transparency displayed by the current commissioners. They have consistently disrespected each other and the public. As a Commissioner, I will restore respect and productivity for Bonner County. I also pledge to establish a consistent, open path for two-way communication between the public and the commissioners honoring incoming questions and responding to those questions in a prompt manner.
  2. IMPORTANT DECISIONS . . . Commissioners’ influence important issues that will affect our future. The comprehensive plan … spot zoning … roads …bridges …law enforcement … fire protection. These are all critical issues on the County Commissioners’ agenda. We need thoughtful, common-sense leadership to move forward with efficiency and confidence. I will depend on public input to make the best decisions.    
  3. COMMON SENSE LEADERSHIP. . . I believe there’s been an absence of common-sense leadership and collaboration. Decisions made by the County Commissioners impact our local economy and overall wellbeing. I’ll prioritize problem solving with relevant public and private groups on affordable housing, living wage jobs, quality healthcare and issues important to this community.
  4. OUR VALUES . . . it is imperative that we re-establish traditional Idaho values here in Bonner County. I am working for respect and transparency, and, I will put my money where my mouth is on those points.  I strongly believe, and will show, that any funding for my campaign is open to your scrutiny. In the past few years, political campaigns in Bonner County have been run with majority of support coming from outside influence and financial resources.  It was dishonest and disrespectful.  We don’t stand for that kind of surreptitious activity within our elected leadership. I will change that.
Steve feeding the cows on his farm in Sagle -- 8 mommas and 8 baby Polled Herefords.
Sawing, stacking and moving lumber – just one of the many ongoing activities on Steve’s Sagle farmland.

IMPORTANT: Every registered voter in Bonner County can vote for every commissioner position, regardless of their location within the county.

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