Issues for Bonner County

Bringing civility, respect back; moving ahead with common sense

Solutions for my priorities and positions

Respect, Honesty, and Transparency in Commissioner Behavior and Meetings

When elected as your County Commissioner, I will prioritize respect, honesty, and transparency in all of my actions and decisions. It is crucial that the community feels heard and valued, and that starts with treating everyone with respect, regardless of their viewpoint. I will ensure that all meetings are conducted openly and transparently, with clear communication about decisions and the reasons behind them. By fostering a culture of honesty, I aim to build trust and accountability within our community. Every citizen deserves to know that their voices are heard and that their concerns are taken seriously. Transparency will be the cornerstone of my tenure, ensuring that all county business is conducted in the light of public scrutiny.

Financial Accountability

Financial accountability is essential for the responsible governance of our county. When elected as County Commissioner, I will ensure that every taxpayer dollar is spent wisely and efficiently. Our community deserves to know that their hard-earned money is being used to improve their lives and the infrastructure of our county. I will implement rigorous budgeting processes and regular audits to prevent waste and ensure that funds are allocated to projects and services that directly benefit our residents. By maintaining financial transparency and accountability, we can build a stronger, more sustainable future for our county.

Comprehensive Plan

Planned Growth
The rapid growth in Bonner County needs to be managed carefully to preserve our rural lifestyle and quality of life. As your County Commissioner, I will advocate for a comprehensive plan that ensures responsible and sustainable growth. This plan will include benchmarks for communities to maintain open spaces, manage infrastructure, and protect access to public lands. By doing so, we can ensure that new developments enhance our community without compromising the values and environment that make our county special.

Affordable Housing
Affordable housing is a pressing issue that must be addressed to retain our young people and attract new residents who contribute to our community. I will work towards policies that promote the development of affordable housing options, ensuring that everyone who wants to live and work here can afford to do so. By collaborating with developers and leveraging state incentives, we can create housing solutions that meet the needs of our growing population while maintaining our rural character.

Private Property Rights
Protecting private property rights is fundamental to maintaining the freedoms and traditions we cherish in our community. As County Commissioner, I will uphold these rights while balancing the needs of the community as a whole. I will ensure that any regulations or developments respect property owners’ rights and are implemented with full transparency and input from those affected. Our approach will be one of collaboration and respect, ensuring that individual freedoms are preserved alongside responsible growth.

Individual Freedoms

Individual freedoms are the bedrock of our community and country. I am committed to protecting these freedoms, ensuring that every resident can live their life without unnecessary government interference. This includes upholding the Second Amendment rights of responsible gun owners and protecting the privacy and autonomy of individuals in their personal medical decisions. As your County Commissioner, I will always stand for the rights and freedoms that define us as a community and as Americans.

Property Taxes

Property taxes have become a significant burden for many residents, particularly with the steep increase in property values. I understand the frustration and financial strain this causes. When elected as County Commissioner, I will work to help keep property taxes affordable and ensure that Idahoans can stay in the homes they have worked so hard for. It is crucial that our tax policies reflect the current economic realities and provide relief to those who need it most.

Roads and Bridges

The state of our roads and bridges is unacceptable and has led to unnecessary expenses for our residents in vehicle repairs. As your County Commissioner, I will make it a top priority to bring our tax dollars back from Boise to fix our roads and bridges. Properly maintained infrastructure is essential for safety, economic growth, and quality of life. I will advocate tirelessly to ensure that our community receives the investment it deserves in its transportation network.

We’d love to hear from you

This is our county and I want to keep it the wonderful place it is. Your opinions matters and I look forward to your comments and questions.

Email us: [email protected]

Got questions? 208-255-8055

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