‘Think about it’…

Sandpoint READER
July 25, 2024. Page 8

Dear editor,
In the front-page article of the July 20 Daily Bee, Scott Herndon says he’s “merely raising interesting connections,” regarding the Army Surplus 1 store fire and a political candidate’s possible connection. He’s at it again folks, doing his best to divide people, through his normal use of innuendos, finger-pointing and smearing of an individual who doesn’t believe the same way he does.

Everyone should watch the movie, The American President. At the end of the movie, the character of the president, played by Michael Douglas, states, “All he cares about is making you afraid of it and who’s to blame for it.” That’s how he gets elected, regarding the character of Sen. Rumson, played by Richard Dreyfuss (substitute Herndon for Rumson).

Herndon is someone that doesn’t care about our freedoms and our rights; all he cares about is his agenda and dictating to the Bonner County Republican Central Committee his beliefs. He’s been instrumental in helping take away some of our rights: censorship through House Bill 710, women’s loss of their reproductive rights, etc.

Divide and conquer are words he must live by.

Michael Harmelin,
Vietnam veteran